Homeowner Tips

Tip of the Month for November - Winter Ready Tips

Posted on Nov 18, 2019 in Homeowner Tips

Now that the leaves are off the trees it is a good idea to clean the eavestrough, downspouts, gutters and valleys as melting snow in winter months can result in ice dams and unnecessary weight in the eavestrough which cannot drain properly.

When you are outside cleaning your eavestroughs it is also a good time to take a quick look at any trees on yo...

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Tip of the Month for October - Fall Heating Check

Posted on Oct 17, 2019 in Homeowner Tips

This is the time of the year when people start thinking about ways to heat their homes more efficiently.

If your heating equipment is over 20 years old, consider upgrading it. New equipment is much more efficient than the older versions.

Change the furnace filter often and have heating equipment serviced and cleaned on a regular basis.

Install a progr...

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Tip of the Month for September - Fall Home Maintenance Check

Posted on Sep 16, 2019 in Homeowner Tips

September is an excellent time to do an exterior check-up on your home so that any necessary repairs or maintenance can be completed before winter arrives. 

- Check all exterior wood trim particularly around windows and door openings. Where required, scrape and paint all exterior wood trim.

- Exposed wood will eventually deteriorate, resulting in woo...

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Tips for a Positive Showing

Posted on Aug 19, 2019 in Homeowner Tips

We’ve all heard the old adage “you only get one chance to make a first impression” and showing your home to potential buyers is no exception. There are many things to think about and your eyes might very well look beyond some things that have been in need of repair for awhile. Try looking at it your home through the critical eyes of a potential buy...

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Tip of the Month for August - Preventing Water Damage in Bathrooms

Posted on Aug 05, 2019 in Homeowner Tips

Preventing water damage inside our bathrooms is as important as directing water away from the foundation of our houses. As part of your routine homeowner's maintenance, you should inspect the grout and/or caulking in tubs, showers and vanities for cracking.

If cracks are left unprepared with the high humidity in your bathroom, it can become an open...

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