Market Info

Tips For Potential Sellers

Posted on May 30, 2019 in Market Info

Before putting your home on the market, it's important to consider a few things. 

First, you need to clearly identify your reasons for selling. Your motivation will play a big role in the sale of your property. You should be selective about who you share this information with as it may affect the outcome of the sale if the Buyers know something about...

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Seller's Market vs Buyer's Market

Posted on May 01, 2019 in Market Info

We've all heard the terms "Seller's market" and "Buyer's market", but what do they mean? Simply put, when the market is better for Buyers, we call it a Buyer's market. Alternately, if it's better for Sellers, we call it a Seller's market. Several factors can determine the housing market including demand (both local and globally), the government (ta...

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